
Showing posts from November, 2017

I Found Something That Helps Me Stay The Course

I Found Something That Helps Me Stay The Course I've been hearing some negatives as far as being able to lose weight by doing Planks.  I would like to say that it would be in your best interest not to let 3 or 4 days pass before doing them again.  But I couldn't give you expert, long researched, advise. I've been into Piyo and Yoga just under 2 years and my opinion may not carry that much weight. For the time-being I'll be giving the well-worn opinions and expert advise of those who know and have the research available to them.  You will trust my experience better, I'm sure.  As a former news reporter I know full-well not give my opinion when the facts hold more weight and is not just gossip and rumor mongering, which I despise anyway.  When I broke my leg doing Piyo, my daughter, friends and people I see daily warned me never do it again.  It has been a long time that I have been absent from Piyo.  But I started again last week.  I think I will be careful